

Monday's Musings

What perspective do you view life from?

I've learned in photography that perspective makes a big difference in the shots I take. And I started thinking, the same is true in life.

My perspective about life events sure does make a difference in how I look at my life and respond to it.
So how does this work? Well, let's look at a common flower. The iris.

They bloom in the spring and only in the spring. They come in waves of beauty. This is how we tend to see them, colorful blooms in the midst of lots of green leaves. This is the normal, or average view of them. And unless they happen to be in our own yard, we often just see them in passing.


But what happens if we stop and get a little closer? What if we actually examine them? They are beautiful flowers full of amazing details. Yet, you have to take the time to look for those details.

So how can perspective make a big difference in how we view a common flower? Well, have you seen many pictures of irises with blue sky in the background? Probably not often. Why? Because a photographer has to get down on her hands and knees to get the shot. And sometimes she has to take several shots to get a really good one....

Do you get the drift? Same flower, three different views....

I'll be the first to admit that I often don't stop to think about what's really going on in my life and in my heart. I'm just cruising through, catching glimpses of beauty. Grabbing a bible verse here and there. Or, if things aren't going my way, I may not even catch the beauty.

But sometimes I do stop and focus closer in. I see where God is working in my life. But until I stop, I'm still missing some important details in my life that God wants to teach me.

Sometimes those details are best seen while I'm on my hands and knees, looking up to God.

It may not be my first choice, but when I find myself on my knees, it can provide a pretty unique view of life. 

Have a blessed day and stop to see how God is working in your life.



  1. This is precisely what I needed today, Mary--a reminder to change my perspective. Thanks.

    I'm hunkering down right now to look for that sweet point of view!

    1. Robin, I'm so glad this could encourage you. I too often slip into the doldrums with out looking to God. But I'm learning. :)

      Thanks for dropping by.


  2. Such a wisdom-filled post, Mary! Thank you for sharing these thoughts, as well as your gorgeous photography. Beautiful...

    1. Thanks Elaine. :) Happy to share what God is teaching me.

  3. Needed this post today--thank you. I started my day in His Word (like I've been meaning to do, but hadn't accomplished until today)--went downstairs to get some things done (that I had been putting off doing) and proceeded to dump beaten eggs all over the counter! The dishes are taking over the counter, (I had made more!) and the discouragement kicked in. Nothing from my 'to-do' list has gotten moved over to my 'done' list.

    But the Praise music is on as I tackle the dishes! Thanks Mary!

    1. Cyn, so sorry you had such a topsey turvey day. But glad you got the Praise music going! And tomorrow is another day to see God's grace.

      Thanks for sharing!


  4. A beautiful muse indeed, Mary. I love your perspective! And I agree with Elaine...your photography is beautiful, as always.

    1. Thanks Cathy. :) I love to share what God is doing. :)

  5. Thank you for your thought-provoking blog and beautiful photos. I live in South Africa where the irises are now in bloom.They are one of my favorite flowers and now they'll be a reminder to me as well to get on my knees and look up to God.
