

Photo Tip Friday

 Tip Friday : Macro, Part 2

There are a couple of ways to take macro shots. 

The first one involves using a setting on your camera. Whether your camera is a "point and shoot" or "SLR = Single-Lens Reflex", it should have a setting on the wheel that shows a flower. See the flower on my camera? That's your camera's indication telling you to use that setting for doing macro shots.

So, you need to set the camera on the macro setting. This will enable you to get closer to your subject. The closer you get to your subject, the more detail you can get. 

The caveat for this setting, though, is that the camera decides if you need a flash or not. And you can't overrule that. So practice using the "flower" setting and see how it works for you.

On to technique two. This just uses the regular setting on your camera. So, how is this technique preferable to your camera's macro setting? The obvious answer is that you control whether or not you need the flash. Because usually, it you're using a flash on a very close subject, you will tend to wash it out. 
Just move in closer to your subject. Your camera should focus for you. It will only let you get so close before it can't focus anymore. That's your clue to back up. 

And here's a macro shot of an apple. Notice how crisp and clear the stem is? Doesn't this shot just make you want to take a bite? 

You can use macro on just about anything. 

So grab your camera and start experimenting!

Hope this tip helps.

Keep on clicking.



  1. Of course I just got up to look for the flower on my camera. I have to admit that I had no idea what any of those settings on that little wheel were for, so this helped me out a lot. I'm going to try out some macro shots this weekend. Thanks!

    1. Yeah! I'm so glad it taught you something. Let me know if you have other questions on photography. Leave them in the comment section and I'll try to answer them for you in a future post. :)

  2. I Love macro shots-though don't think my Kodak MD-41 is capable. My hubby's camera takes great macros so I kidnap it when ever I want to get in close.

    Any clues on how to better use my "closer than 28 feet"setting on my Kodak would be appreciated. It didn't come with a very good manual.


  3. Hi Jeaanne. You're right, your Kodak doesn't have the flower icon.

    However, you can still take macro shots using technique 2.

    My tip for next Friday will go into more details about how to do that. Hopefully, that will answer your questions about the "closer than 28 feet."

    Have a great weekend and rest up your foot!

  4. Nice tip! Sometimes I forget about those auto settings. I usually put on the macro lens.

    1. Opps. I meant to put the comment here, not below.

      Thanks again for dropping by. :)

  5. I still don't have a macro lens. Saving up for it! ;) You have some beautiful bird shots.

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

  6. Thanks, Mary--I hoped rather than knew that the flower setting meant better closeups on my little FujiFilm FinePix camera (6.3 mega pixels). You're giving me confidence and ammunition to go out shooting! :)

  7. I don't think that I ever read the manual on my point and shoot. Now I know that I can take close-ups after all! Thanks!
