

Monday's Musings - A Maya Angelou Quote to Ponder

by Mary Denman
I recently read this quote by Maya Angelou that caught my attention. 
It made me think. 
A lot.

In our culture here in the US, we tend to celebrate the greatness of people. Of accomplishments. Of a job well done. 

There's nothing inherently wrong with this. 

Unless we compare our weaknesses to someone else's strengths. To see what "they've" done, compare, and then knock ourselves down a few pegs in the process. To lose hope or figure we'll never be that good. 

Which is why this quote caught me off guard. 

It became quite a challenge to me personally. 

Anyone who stands out or is great at something has put the hours in. 
Has been willing to give up good for great. 
Has been passionate. 
Has struggled.

It hit me. 

What am I willing to work at while no one is watching?
To work hard at...
To become great at... 

For me, I love photography, writing, and teaching. 

Can I become great? 

I don't know. I can't answer that. 

But I can be willing to give up good for great.
To be passionate.
To struggle. 

To be better at what I do. 
To put in the hours behind the scenes. 

So, thank you Maya, for the profound words that survive you. 
For the inspiration to work at change. 

Share your thoughts about this quote

Is there something that calls to you to become better at?
To strive for greatness?

TWEETABLE: A #MayaAngelou Quote to Ponder via @MaryDenman (click to Tweet)

Blogs I join on Monday:

party one mother hen


  1. Mary, love the photo. I've accomplished so many things in my life and am enjoying lots of peace and comfort now. Since my life was spent in very structured business environment, it is freeing to write, blog, have fun. So that's what I'm about.

    1. That's awesome Linda! Who says you have to slow down in retirement! Thanks for dropping by!

  2. I love this, Mary. I am preparing a workshop on Avoiding Burnout in Ministry - And, reading Lysa Terkeurst's book, The Best Yes. Both have prompted my thinking about focusing on the BEST of what God has called me to do, to be. This quote shows me that my effort behind the scenes is often not understood - but my accomplishments are dependent upon them. God asks us to minister in a way that is unique to our personality - and then gifts us to do the work.

    1. I've started thinking more and more about what's important in life. Especially after so many losses in my life recently. I'm wanting to focus on what God has for me to do. Not just the stuff, and especially the busy stuff, that comes at us in life.

      Sounds like you have a great ministry!

      Thanks for coming by!

  3. What a beautiful, convicting quote, Mary. I sometimes resist the molding and refining God wants to do in my life before He can use me. When I surrender to Him, He can do His best work through me.

    1. And some times, it takes painful refining to best be used by him. But I'm glad nothing in our lives is wasted when we let him use us! Have a great day Sherry!

  4. Good pout. I have been thinking about wanting to be more be great at something (at least aim for it) rather than good at a bunch of things. Thanks Mary

    1. You're welcome Marcia! I'm letting God use this quote to help me see more clearly. It really hit me.

      Thanks for coming by!

  5. Awesome food for thought. Thanks, Mary.

  6. Inspiring post Mary!
    Congratulations - you are one of our Featured Writers at this week's Inspire Me Monday party - Week 139 - at Create With Joy! :-)

  7. I too love photography, writing, and teaching. You really made me think about how I approach those - am I really putting enough effort in my writing, art and photography? Having retired from teaching, I know that it was my passion - now I need to infuse more into these other pursuits and add more passion. Great post!

  8. Great article! Pinned. Please come and party with us tonight at 7 pm. It just wouldn't be a party without you!
    Happy Labor Day! Lou Lou Girls
