

Wordless Wednesday: Spring Light

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! 

SIGN UP for email and get Monday's Musings, Wordless Wednesday and Friday Photo Tips right in your inbox!

After having surgery a couple of weeks on my Achilles Tendon, I'm headed to the Dr. on Wednesday morning to see it I'm ready to get out of my cast and into a boot!  

But in the meantime, even though I can use my arms fine, it seems my body still needs a lot of sleep. My brain is muddled and I'm needing naps.

So, I'm taking a quick blogging break until April 11th or 13th. 
I'll be back with Monday's Musings, Wordless Wednesday, and Photo Tips on Fridays. 

However, I will be hanging out on Instagram and Twitter until then!  

Here's another view from my sofa.

This is my back yard. I can't believe how much the leaves have started turning green!
To my friends in the Southern Hemisphere, I look forward your fall colors! 

Have a great day everyone and I'll see you soon! 

My backyard


Wordless Wednesday: Life From my Sofa

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! 

SIGN UP for email and get Monday's Musings, Wordless Wednesday and Friday Photo Tips right in your inbox!

Last week's Photo Tip:  How to take Great Black & White Shots
Prior tip:    Capturing Motion in your Action Shots

Well, today's post is about my life from my sofa while I'm off my foot for a couple weeks after Achilles Tendon surgery. 
I've had a couple of friends come by.....
I got some flowers....
I have plenty of dark chocolate...
And my pets are always nearby...

Life is good...even from my sofa! 

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


Photo Tip Friday: How to Take Great Black and White Shots

by Mary Denman    @MaryDenman

Have you ever seen a black and white shot that just stood out? Have you ever wondered how to take photos like that? 

Today, I'm going to give you tips on how to take great black and whites. 

TIP 1: Shooting black and white shots is different than shooting in color. 

Can't you just convert a color photo to black and white? 

Sometimes, yes. But not always. 

Let's get started. 


Wordless Wednesday: Post Surgery

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! 

SIGN UP for email and get Monday's Musings, Wordless Wednesday and Friday Photo Tips right in your inbox!

Prior week's tip:     3 Tips for Taking Clear Action Shots

So, I had my Achilles Tendon surgery on Monday... 
It was just supposed to be arthroscopic, 2 or 3 small holes and a fairly descent recovery. 

Well, being me, it didn't turn out that way. 

He had to do the open procedure which is way more painful and a harder recovery. Bummer. 

Anyway, I'm just thankful I'm finally at a place I can start recovering. 

So, I hope to stay on track with blogging but it's going to be a challenge with amount of sleeping I'll be doing. :)

I do promise to read all comments! 

Anyway, Happy Wordless Wednesday!


Monday's Musings: God's Already There

Mary here. I'd like to introduce you to my friend Lynn Blackburn who's filling in for me today while I have foot surgery. I hope you are inspired by her!

by Lynn Blackburn  @LynnHBlackburn 

Despite the fact that my young son has never been left and has absolutely no reason to expect me to forget him, this children of mine needs constant reassurance that I’m not going to leave him alone.

This summer, I arrived early to pick him up from Vacation Bible School. I took a seat at the side of the room and waited for the session to end. When it did, I moved in his direction. I knew exactly where he was, but the people milling about blocked his view and he couldn’t see me.


Photo Tip Friday: Capturing Motion in your Action Shots

by Mary Denman  @MaryDenman

Last week I talked about how to take clear action shots. You can read about it here.

This week, I want to talk about taking action photos that capture the feeling of motion instead of stopping it. 

Remember, you have to have a higher ISO 800 or above to stop motion in action shots. 

If you want to capture the movement of the action, you need an ISO 100 or 200.


Wordless Wednesday: A Little Spring

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! 

SIGN UP for email and get Monday's Musings, Wordless Wednesday and Friday Photo Tips right in your inbox!

 Last week's tip:     3 Tips for taking clear action shots

So. . . .I have to have Achilles Tendon surgery on Monday.
I know. You're jealous! 
Here are some pretty flowers we can all enjoy in the meantime. :)


Monday's Musings: Are you Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

by Mary Denman    @MaryDenman
You've probably heard the expression, between a rock and a hard place. 

Well, I saw a tree between a rock and a hard place. Namely, another rock! 

It was a sight to behold. 

It started me thinking. 

How in the world did a tree grow between those rocks and the barrenness around it?


Photo Tip Friday: 3 Tips for Taking Clear Action Shots

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Have you ever seen great action shots and wondered how the photographer captured them? 

Well, I have a couple of tips for you today to help you learn to take better action shots. 

They may seem simple, but they can really help you get the photos you want! 

Let's get started.


Wordless Wednesday: Sleepy Cats and Puppy

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! 

SIGN UP for email and get Monday's Musings, Wordless Wednesday and Friday Photo Tips right in your inbox!

The prior week's tips was on Using Water to Create Interesting Photos.

Ramona from Create With Joy asked to see pics of my cats and puppy.
I'm more than happy to oblige!