

Wordless Wednesday: Nature's Beauty

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

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Monday's Musings: Take time to Enjoy Life

by Mary Denman @MaryDenman

Everyone I know has struggles of some sort. Whether it's life, death, financial, medical issues, relationship issues, work or school problems, we all have troubles. 

I know I've had my share. 

But I'm learning that I need to step back and take a breather. I need to take time to enjoy the life I have. Often, I just keep going, focused on my problems. 

Today, I want to encourage you to just stop for a few minutes and appreciate the beauty around you. 

Appreciate someone special. 

Go jump on a trampoline.

On a mountaintop.


Photo Tip Friday: Hold your Lens Parallel to your Subject

by Mary Denman  @MaryDenman

There are times in your photography when you need to be aware of the relationship between your lens and your subject. 

Specifically, when you want to make sure that your subject is uniformly in focus, but you're using a narrow depth of field/focus.

Let's look at some examples.


Wordless Wednesday: Bees and Flowers

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

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Wordless Wednesday: Summer Storm

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

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I took these shots from the passenger side of our car.
It was quite beautiful to watch. 

Stormy clouds


Monday's Musings: The Power of Habits

by Mary Denman     @MaryDenman
Recently, I had a lesson in seeing how much of my life is a myriad of routine. In seeing the power of habits. In not seeing much at all. 

Don't worry, my eyes are fine.

But my electricity wasn't. 

We had some very powerful storms come through and it knocked out power to over 14,000 customers. We were some of those. 

Our power company is usually pretty good about restoring power quickly. This time, we ere at the tail end of the 14,000 and went 24 hours without power. 

Really, I'm not complaining. 


Photo Tip Friday: Using Perspective in Photography to Create Better Photos

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

Brookgreen Gardens
Today's tip is about using perspective when taking photos.

I'm going to use one subject that I walked around to show you how much difference perspective can make. In this case, I took all the shots at the same eye level, but the entire way around the subject.

We were able to visit Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. These are some of the many amazing pieces of artwork on the property and my example for today. This statue of Dionysis is covered in gold. Yes, real gold.

I was able to get shots from so many directions. I also photographed the statue at slightly different times of day, over two days while visiting the gardens to try and get the best shots I could. 

I hope these photos get you thinking about how to actively look for new and different perspectives.

Let's get started.


Wordless Wednesday: The Feel of Late Summer

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

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Sorry I've missed a few posts recently. 
I'll be back Friday with fresh photo tips!

Bird House


Wordless Wednesday: Flowers of Summer

by Mary Denman   @MaryDenman

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These are roses from my yard. They may be small, but they're pretty!

Joseph's Coat Rose