Strong Lines Part 2
Today's tip involves using strong lines in your photography. The last time I discussed it, I focused on using nature's lines. In going through my shots, I noticed that man made strong lines juxtaposed with nature produces some great results.
This is a shot taken at the beach. See the white stuff? Yes, it's snow. Part of why I took this shot is because of the great lines. And the snow. And the blue sky. And the dune grasses. It was just eye catching.
Here's another shot where man's work and nature meet.
The lines of the fences draws your eyes to the horizon.
I loved the foot prints, too.
Here's a different look.
The silhouette of the church pops out because of the beautiful colors of the sunset.
What I love about this is how the morning glory just grows up the fencing.
As a kid, I used think of morning glory as weeds. It was cool that they closed at night. But they were still weeds.
Now, I just love them. They're so delicate and interesting.
See how the vine snakes around the fencing? Again, it's the juxtaposition that makes an interesting shot.
And leave a comment if you have a photography related question. I'll be happy to answer any questions I can or find you the answers if I don't know!
Leave me a link to your blog in the comments if you'd like to show me one of your shots!
I hope this tip helps.
Keep on clicking!