

Photo Tip Fridays

Part 1: Strong Shadows

Friday’s Photo Tip is about using strong shadows to enhance your photography.  Next week we will go over using soft shadows to create mood shots.

We all have pictures where shadows from a tree made someone’s face too dark because of the contrast. So we may think shadows are bad. But this isn’t always true. Sometimes you can incorporate shadows to make a shot better!

Let’s get started.

This first photograph is of a fence at the beach and its shadow. This is a use of strong shadows to create an interesting shot of something that is fairly common. The high contrast of the black and white is what catches your eye.

So let’s use color and shadows together. Notice the shadow of the center of this dogwood. Beautiful isn’t it?  It adds a pop to this macro shot.

Look around for shadows. You may find some funny ones. This photo is the shadow of a garden spinning decoration. Yes, that’s snow beneath it. I thought it looked like a smiley face and couldn’t resist the shot. 

So grab your camera and go looking for shadows! You never know what you may find!

Hope this helps!

Keep on clicking!


Wordless Wednesday

If you are so kind as to leave a comment, I will happily return the favor!


Monday's Musings

This past week, I saw true love.

Not Hollywood stuff.

Deep love. Forged over 59 years of marriage.

Love that's been through the fires.

Love that's been tested.

Love that's been proven.

Love etched in the lines of beautiful hands.

My mom has been in the hospital for a week with 2 compression fractures in her spine. And daddy's been right there beside her. Literally.

Their love for each other is so evident. So real. Daddy's devotion shown through.

While I hated to see mom in so much pain, I was blessed beyond measure to see their love demonstrated in such tender ways over this past week.

What I saw was true love. 


Wordless Wednesday

Blue Skies

Fluffy Clouds
Sorry for my absence. We had a family medical emergency. Trying to get back on schedule!


Wordless Wednesday

 I will be traveling, so I'll wish you a Happy Wordless Wednesday now. Thanks for joining LINKY and leaving comments. I'll check in when I have internet!